Special Characters of HTML5

HTML5, Web Development / Monday, July 30th, 2018

HTML5 Special Characters:

Here we will learn about HTML5 Special Characters. You have seen that there are certain characters that have special meaning in HTML code. For example, the “<” and “>” characters delimit tags. If you want to display such characters on the web page, you have to take care that the characters are not interpreted and are displayed literally. To display the “<” character, it can be specified as “&lt”. The “&” interprets the “lt” as the “<” symbol and displays it. But now what if you want to display the  & symbol itself? Simply writing “&” in the code will not display it. But first, let us see how to display some special characters.

Consider the example shown in below and also look at Table.

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>HTML5 Special Characters</title>
	This is &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
	Used for&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; blank space.
	&lt;  is the Less Than symbol <BR>
	&gt; is the Greater Than symbol <BR> 
	&amp; is the ampersand symbol <BR>
	&quot; is the quotation mark symbol <BR>
	&agrave; is small a, grave accent symbol <BR>
	&Agrave; is capital a, grave accent symbol <BR>
	&ntilde; is small n, tilde symbol <BR>
	&Ntilde; is capital n, tilde symbol  <BR>
	&uuml; is the umlaut small u symbol <BR> 
	&Uuml; is the umlaut <BR>
	&#144; is the symbol Delta<BR>
	&#188; is the quarter symbol <BR>
	&#189; is the hay symbol <BR> 

Special Character

The special characters shown in the example are some of the most frequently used characters displayed on web pages. Each of the special characters can be displayed by using its character sequence after the “&”. These can be seen in the following Table.

Special CharacterCharacter SymbolDescription
&lt;Less-than symbol
&gt;Greater-than symbol
&quot;Quotation Mark
 &nbsp;Blank space
à&agrave;small a, grave accent
À&Agrave;capital A, grave accent
Ñ&Ntilde;capital N, tilde
ü&uuml;umlaut small u
Ü&Uuml;umlaut capital U
¼&#188;One Fourth

The browser will display your text in a steady stream unless you tell it to do so otherwise with line breaks. It will reduce any amount of white space to a single space. If you want more spaces, you must use the space character (&nbsp;). If you hit Return (or Enter) while you are typing, the browser will interpret that as a space unless there is already a space there.


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